Roca is home to Minnesota’s largest Kilter Board!

Roca’s upstairs fitness deck is now home to a custom built Kilter Board. A Kilter Board is a modern take on the traditional training board that features customs holds, each of which has its own LED light that makes them easy to see from any angle. When partnered with the Kilter App, climbers can choose from over 50,000 unique climbs!

The Roca Kilter Board is also adjustable! Try routes at any angle from 0° to 70°.

How it works:

  1. Using the provided iPad, climbers can choose a grade range in which they would like to climb.

  2. Once a range is chosen, you can choose from a list of climbs within that grade.

  3. You should be able to see the route on both the iPad and the Kilter Board (if the lights on the board do not change, just ask a Roca staff and we’ll help you out).

  4. Start holds are green (these can also be used as feet), yellow holds are for feet only, blue holds are for hands and feet, and finish holds are purple. 

  5. Choose another route!

Download the Kilter App on your personal device to keep track of which climbs you’ve done, projects you’re working on, and to get beta tips from other climbers around the world.