(Green text = Clickable link with examples)

Day 1-  Ropes

  1. Warm up: Light stretching and 2-3 easy rope routes 

  2. Lock offs: Pick an easy route and practice pulling in hard with your arm and hovering your free hand above the next hold for 2-3 seconds before grabbing it. as you go up the route. Rest 5 minutes between sets. Repeat 3 times 

  3. Power endurance: Find a route near your red point, climb the route, immediately repeat the climb, regardless of whether you fell on your first attempt.  Rest for 10 mins and repeat 2 more times.

  4. Fancy Feet: Climb a route, everytime you move to a new foot hold, swap feet and then keep climbing. Repeat 4 times

  5. Cool Down: 5-10 minutes of light full body stretching

Day 2- Bouldering

  1. Warm up: Light stretching, choose between 3-4 kilter board or boulder problems to complete to get the body moving.

  2. 10 on 5 off: Find an area where you have room to traverse back and forth for 10 minutes straight, after that 10 minutes take a 5 minute break. Repeat 3 times 

  3. Campus training: Choose a kilter or boulder problem at a steeper angle (15-40 degrees) with plenty of jugs on it and climb it only using your hands. Rest 5 mins between sets and repeat this 3 times.

  4. Projecting: 15 - 30 minutes projecting 3-4 problems on either the kilter board or the boulder.

  5. Cool down: 5-10 minutes of light full body stretching

Day 3- Mixed 

  1. Warm up: Light stretching, choose between 3-4 kilter/boulder problems or 2-3 rope routes to finish warming up  

  2. Leapfrogs: Find a route 2 grades below your red point. Climb up 2 clips and then down climb 1 clip, go back up 2 clips and then down 1 clip. Repeat this until you finish the route. Rest 10 mins and then repeat that cycle 3 times

  3. Recovery training: Find a boulder or kilter board problem that's well below your max. After making a move on that route practice fully cutting feet and then place your feet back on the route before making the next move, repeat this for the rest of the route. Once you finish the problem or fall, rest for 10 minutes and then repeat 2 more times. (If you did not finish the route, try to find an easier route that you think you can complete.)

  4. Cool down: 5-10 minutes of light full body stretching 

Alternative Workout- Upstairs (16+)

  1. Warm up: light stretching mixed in with your choice between a rope climbing warm up or more stretching 

  2. Single arm dumbbell rows: Grab a moderately heavy dumbbell and with the assistance of a bench or the dumbbell rack, bend at the waist till your back is close to parallel to the ground then pull the dumbbell to your chest while trying to keep your elbow close to your side. 12-15 reps

  3. Pull ups: 6-8 reps 

  4. Push ups: 10-12 reps

Rest 10 minutes, repeat (#2-4) 3 times

  1. Russian twists w/ dumbbell: 10-12 reps

  2. Planks: 30 seconds

  3. Leg raises: 15-20 reps

Rest 5-10 minutes between sets, repeat (#5-7) 2-3 times