Workout Of The Week

Week 4 

Day 1- Ropes 

  1. Warm-up: light stretching mixed with 2-3 very easy routes to get your body moving and blood flowing 

  2. Silent Feet: Find 2 routes that are 2 grades below your red point. As you climb those routes focus on having “silent” feet, try to make your foot placements as controlled and quiet as possible. 

  3. Golf: Using the same 2 routes as the last exercise try to climb both routes back to back using as little holds/moves as you can to get to the top. Once you have completed both routes take a 5 minute break then repeat 3 times.

  4. Cool down stretch: 5-10 minutes of light full body stretching.

Day 2- Bouldering

  1. Warm-up: light stretching, 2-3 very easy roped routes (or up downs on the kilter board at 0-10 degrees) to get the body moving. Then deadhangs either on 2 good hand holds or the pull up bar. Hang for 30 seconds on with 1 minute rest and repeat the hang 3 times 

  2. One arm Traversing: find an open area of the boulder or kilter board that is at a higher angle. Make 20 moves while only using one arm to traverse. Then take a 2 minute break before repeating it with the other arm. Once you have completed the 20 moves with each arm take a 10 minute break. Repeat this 3 times.

  3.  Hover Hands: Pick an easy boulder and practice pulling in hard with your arm and hovering your free hand above the next hold for 1-2 seconds before grabbing it as you go up the boulder. Rest 5 minutes between sets. Repeat 3 times

  4. Cool down stretch: 5-10 minutes of light full body stretching.

Day 3- Mixed

  1. Warm-up: light stretching mixed with 2-3 easy roped routes (focus on stretching and moving your whole body) 

  2. 4x4s: choose 4 rope problems near your red point, climb those 4 routes moving quickly between routes regardless of finishing or failing the route. Rest 10 mins after each set and repeat 4 times. 

  3. Bouldering body tension training: starting on 2 good hand holds and 2 bad foot holds walk your feet as far up on the wall in an arc pattern to the left and then all the way up to the right. Make sure you are engaging your core and putting a lot of pressure and focus on your foot placements.  1 repetition is equal to walking your feet all the way to the left and then all the way up to the right without touching the ground, repeat this 3 times to complete 1 set. Repeat for a total of 3 sets.

  4. Cool down stretch: 5-10 minutes of light full body stretching. 

Alternative Workout- Upstairs (16+)

  1. Warm-up: light stretching and optional climbing warm up 

  2. Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 10-12 reps 

  3. Overhead tricep extensions: while standing straight up hold a dumbbell above your head with your palms facing upwards. Lower the dumbbell behind your head until the bottom of it reaches your shoulder blades, then fully extend your arms back up. Continue this for 10-12 reps

  4. Cable Curls: Adjust the cable machine so that the handles are at the very bottom. Stand facing the machine. Start with your arms fully extended down and curl them until they are just about to touch your shoulders, then lower your arms slowly and controlled back down. Adjust the weight until you can do 8-10 reps with the last couple of reps being hard to finish. 

After completing exercises 2-4 rest 10 minutes, then repeat them 3 times

  1. Russian Twists: 15 reps

  2. Dumbbell weighted Crunches: Crunches while holding a lighter dumbbell close to your chest. 12 reps

  3. Planks: 1 minute 

After completing exercises 5-7 rest 10 minutes, then repeat them 3 times

  1. Cool down stretch: 5-10 minutes of light full body stretching