Workout Of The Week

Week 5 

Day 1- Ropes 

  1. Warm-up: light stretching mixed with 2-3 very easy routes to get your body moving and blood flowing 

  2. Elbow Touch: Find a route that is a couple grades lower than your redpoint, before you move to the next hold you need to touch that hold with your elbow then you can advance up the route. After completing that route, rest for 5 minutes and then repeat 4 times.

  3. Leapfrogs: Find a route 2 grades below your red point. Climb up 2 clips and then down climb 1 clip, go back up 2 clips and then down 1 clip. Repeat this until you finish the route. Rest 10 mins and then repeat that cycle 3 times

  4. Cool down stretch: 5-10 minutes of light full body stretching (try to focus on the areas that are tight or sore)

Day 2- Bouldering

  1. Warm-up: light stretching, 2-3 very easy roped routes (or up downs on the kilter board at 0-10 degrees) to get the body moving. Then deadhangs either on 2 good hand holds or the pull up bar. Hang for 30 seconds on with 1 minute rest and repeat the hang 3 times 

  2. Fancy Feet: As you climb a boulder, swap feet everytime you make a new move. Once you have completed the climb, rest for 2 minutes and repeat 3 times.

  3. 10 on 5 off: Find an area where you have room to traverse back and forth for 10 minutes straight, after that 10 minutes take a 5 minute break. Repeat 3 times

  4. Cool down stretch: 5-10 minutes of light full body stretching.

Day 3- Mixed

  1. Warm-up: light stretching mixed with 2-3 easy roped routes (focus on stretching and moving your whole body) 

  2. Campus training: Choose a kilter or boulder problem at a steeper angle (15-40 degrees) with plenty of jugs on it and climb it only using your hands. Rest 5 mins between sets and repeat this 3 times.

  1. Easy/Hard/Easy: Find an area of the gym with some hard and easy routes right next to each other. Climb the easy route slow and controlled making sure you focus on good conscious movements, then go right to the hard route (find a route that is either at or near your red point) once you finish or fall on that route go straight to the next easy route. Take a 5 minute break, and then repeat this cycle 3 times

  1. Cool down stretch: 5-10 minutes of low intensity full body stretching. 

Alternative Workout- Upstairs (16+)

  1. Warm-up: light stretching and optional climbing warm up 

  2. Single arm dumbbell rows: Grab a moderately heavy dumbbell and with the assistance of a bench or the dumbbell rack, bend at the waist till your back is close to parallel to the ground then pull the dumbbell to your chest while trying to keep your elbow close to your side. 12-15 reps

  3. Pull ups: 6-8 reps

  4. Single Arm Cable Lat Pull Downs: sit on a bench facing the machine, and with the cables set at the top of the machine grab one of the handles. Lean back slightly and pull towards your chest/shoulder. Make sure to keep your core tight and not to twist as you pull. 12-15 reps each side

After completing exercises 2-4 rest 10 minutes, then repeat them 3 times

  1. Russian twists w/ dumbbell: 10-12 reps

  2. Planks: 30 seconds

  3. Leg raises: 15-20 reps

After completing exercises 5-7 rest 10 minutes, then repeat them 3 times

  1. Cool down stretch: 5-10 minutes of low intensity full body stretching